We provide detailed analysis of your horoscope based on Vedic Astrology. If you want an analysis of
complete horoscope or accurate information regarding marriage,childern,job,business,foreign travel
and disease, debt etc. then book an appointment now and get solution of your problems.
Jyotish Prashn Vidhya
Those who donot have their accurate date of birth or time of birth, their problem is also solved through
jyotish prashna vidhya.Jyotish Prashn Vidhya is a very ancient science of Indian astrology. This is a method based on
numerology. It is used for immediate and accurate predictions. The position of Nakshatra, Yoga,
Rashi, Tithi, Vaar, transit of planets etc. is known on the basis of numbers. Then the result is
obtained through numerological method only. Along with solving problems related to life,
depression and mental illness of a person is also solved by this method.
Medical Astrology
We tell diseases related to planets and provide their astrological remedies.